203 articles related to "humor"

12 Goofy Ways to Stay Safe and Healthy in Today's Hazardous World

Stop breathing ozone immediately. You know you can if you try. Do not strike matches near an open nuclear power plant. Do not rub either your scalp or your bosom with the latest scientific breakthrough. Never sit next to strangers in movie theater...

Humor  humor avoid designer immediately wearing
Should I Shop Online Or Offline? A Shoppers' Guide

I went shopping with my wife the other day, to a British city centre nearby. My ordeal lasted ten hours. During many idle moments, I compiled this rough guide for shoppers who are unsure whether to shop online or offline in future. I decided that sh...

Humor  humor shopping shop andor enjoy
Our Need For William Shatner

In the old days, well old days to you but not such old days to me, certain actors and actresses would become so popular that they would go on seemingly forever in films, until they were not able to do the job any longer or died. Some of these people ...

Humor  humor shatner actor star series trek television
General Motors Finds A Way To Use Solar Power Even When It Can"t Afford To Install It

General Motors, long inept at making cars with quality ratings that might persuade Americans to buy them, now finds itself too broke to install solar power. But it has made a clever and commendable accommodation to its impoverishment. It has agreed ...

Humor  humor power solar install company clever roof
Scientists Discover Oldest Skeleton Of Human Ancestor; Report Face Looked Like Hugo Chavez.

The most well-preserved skeleton of an ancestor of homo sapiens has been discovered in Ethiopia. The skeleton, dating back about 3.3 million years, is a member of the evolutionary group known as Australopithecus Venezuelas and had a face that looks r...

Humor  humor skeleton devil determine chavez like
Amnesty International Grants Stay Of Execution To Victims Of Terrorism

The laudable but not overwhelmingly effectual organization, Amnesty International, released an unusual report that had two well-balanced goals. The first was, as one would expect, to point out abuses that suspected terrorists can be exposed to, for ...

Humor  humor amnesty terrorists dead
Even the Gods Laugh: How Humor Becomes Transformational

Most of our lives have become caught up in the dizzying stress, anxiety and self-created drama of the fast paced, twenty-first century. It was slower back in the 14th Century; I miss those days. Just the story of being a member of the human race can ...

Humor  humor century inevitable breathing
Smiles Will Constantly Brighten Your Day

Grinning is 1 of the easiest and cheapest methods to enhance one's high quality of life and the advantages from grinning reach extra than just a single individual at a time. Smiling is contagious, alterations our mood, can make us look younger a...

Humor  humor smile grinning smiling people
Old Man Potomac, He Just Keeps Rollin" Along

Some days when we contemplate the divisive and deluded doings in DC, it helps to look away from the grandiose and revered buildings that have hosted our government since it was moved there from Philadelphia in 1800 and to contemplate the broad, green...

Humor  humor broad contemplate
Halloween Tricks for Trick or Treaters

Want play a trick on those, Trick or Treating rascals that call on your house this Halloween? We have the perfect Trick or Treat, treat - Chocolate covered brussel sprouts! We all know how much children hate to eat their greens, especially brussel ...

Humor  humor sprouts trick brussel chocolate treat little