338 articles on "audience"

Let Public Relations Do The Job It's Meant To Do

Here’s one view of the job its meant to do.Public relations is firmly rooted in both the principle and reality that people act on their perception of the facts,and that something can be done about those underlying perceptions. When public relations...

Business And Finance  business finance public relations behaviors people audiences perception
Promote Your Site with Internet Radio

By Quentin Brown (c) October, 2004Internet radio is just broadcast quality content being streamed over the internet. That is it, nothing more. There are 2 variations, and both are considered internet radio. One version is live content being streamed ...

Web Development  development radio internet audio content audience broadcast
Is This Any Way to Run Your PR?

Is This Any Way to Run Your PR? by: Robert A. Kelly You bet! Especially for business, non-profit and association managers who REALLY need to persuade their key outside audiences to their way of thinking. Then move them to behaviors that lead to...

Business And Finance  business finance perception audience behaviors those
Moving Key Audiences to Take Action

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 1310 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 200...

Business And Finance  business finance perception behaviors people audience
5 Presentation Secrets That Will Change Your Life

You've been asked to give an important presentation. A lot is riding on how well you can deliver. The problem is, you're not sure where to begin. The last class you took on presentation skills told you to tie your hands behind your back and...

Business And Finance  business finance presentation audience about
Here Are Some Benefits Of Blogging

Having a blog, is not just about putting your comments online for the world to see. If you're using your blog in the right way you will be able to use it to generate leads too. This will work all the time and can work on complete auto pilot. By ...

Writing  writing blog having content audience
Right PR Empowers a Manager

Right PR Empowers a Manager by: Robert A. Kelly Business, non-profit and association managers are in a stronger position to succeed when they use their public relations resources in a way that alters individual perception leading to changed exte...

Business And Finance  business finance perception audience most
Managers Who Tap Into PR's Value

Managers Who Tap Into PR's Value by: Robert A. KellyBusiness, non-profit and association managers get a ton of satisfaction when they do something really positive about the behaviors of those outside audiences that most affect their operati...

Business And Finance  business finance perception audience relations
Managers Who Leave PR to Others

Managers Who Leave PR to Others by: Robert A. Kelly You’re a business, non-profit or association manager who needs to achieve your organizational objectives on schedule. Since public relations should be helping you do just that, why leave it w...

Business And Finance  business finance audience target relations public behaviors
How to run your greatest conference ever

Like most good achievements, a magnificent meeting depends on planning and preparation. These are essential to a good conference and this article explains the basics of what you need to do.PlanningThe first stage in organising any conference is plann...

Business And Finance  business finance conference audience speakers