54 articles on "bride"

Simplify Your Wedding By Shopping Online

A wedding is an important occasion that needs proper planning in order to be a success. Putting on a wedding does not have to be a complex or time consuming process. Many people are turning to the internet for their wedding needs. Searching the net i...

Relationships  relationships wedding online bride planning making searching
Bridesmaids: What To Expect On The Big Day

The role of the bridesmaid is partially decided by tradition, with some room for the bride's personal preference.First the bride is going to decide on the size of her bridal party. Maybe she would prefer just one attendant who will serve as a br...

Women  women bridesmaids bridesmaid flower role wedding
The Wedding Party

The Wedding Party by: Tom Tsatsos In ancient times, brides were thought to be particularly vulnerable to evil spirits, so in order to protect the bride, her friends were richly dressed in costumes similar to the bride's and acted as decoys ...

Family  family bride groom friends evil wedding
Traditional Bridal Shower Gifts

Traditional Bridal Shower Gifts by: Adriana Copaceanu The tradition of hosting a bridal shower for the bride to be grew out of a desire of the friends and family of the bride to get to know each other better, strengthen the bonds between new fri...

Women  women shower bridal bride items gifts
Guide to a Growing Trend: The "Green" or Ecological Wedding

Guide to a Growing Trend: The "Green" or Ecological Wedding by: Blake KritzbergDoes it seem like the phrases "ecology" and "wedding" could hardly have less in common?With the average wedding costing well over 15 thousand today, one would think s...

Women  women wedding bride brides
Open Toe Wedding Shoes Vs. Closed Toe Wedding Shoes

Choosing which wedding shoes to wear- open toe wedding shoes or closed toe wedding shoes - may be just as intense as getting the best bridal gown design. This may leave a bride helpless. A mix of excitement and nervousness is enough to agitate the br...

Women  women shoes wedding bride closed open they
Wedding Etiquette - Who Pays for What

Money MoneyThere are no longer any hard and fast rules as to "Who Pays for What" for the wedding, but a general guideline follows as to the traditional breakdown.  Working out a budget for your wedding is one of the first things that should be done ...

Family  family familybrideaposs formal wedding money gift bride town
Over 100 Russian Mail Order Brides to gather in Silver Spring, Maryland, on June 26, 2004

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDateline: Washington D.C. Over 100 Russian Mail Order Brides to gather in Silver Spring, Maryland, on June 26, 2004.June 26th, will mark an unusual precedent for the city of Silver Spring, Maryland, a suburb of the Nation’s Cap...

Online Business  online business film russian order mail award screening brides
Grooms Are People Too!

Having photographed many weddings over the past 17 years I've come to the conclusion that the wedding day seems to be all about the bride. Not exactly shocking news you might think, but considering the groom is 50% of the union he's certain...

Men  wedding bride photograph iaposm album from
The Wedding Aisle - Who is Walking You Down it?

The Wedding Aisle - Who is Walking You Down it? by: Victoria Williams Choosing who should walk down the aisle with you is not as easy at it has been in the past. In the past, it has always been assumed that the father of the bride is to be the o...

Family  family brides father