121 articles on "calories"

Lose Weight - Find Hidden Calories

Lose Weight - Find Hidden Calories by: Sheila Dicks If it seems that you have been eating as usual and the pounds seem to be creeping on - you could be a victim of hidden calories. When we are busy, stressed or focused on something else we reach...

Health  health calories eating when

Most people are unsure about how to begin a fat loss program. They have many questions about food choices, meal composition and exercise. Getting yourself in good physical condition will require willpower and dedication and the desire to get results....

Health  health muscle calories eating
How To Get Fit And Still Consume Alcohol In Moderation

Do you want to get fit but find yourself afraid that you will have to give up the lifestyle that you enjoy in order to do it? Have you heard people talking about how you will have to give up alcohol in order to have a healthy body? Well, you should ...

Health  health drink calories alcohol beer
What Can We Eat to Avoid Obesity

Obesity is becoming a global concern. The basic of losing weight is simple; consume less calories than you burn. Consuming more calories than we need leads to overweight. Although some foods indicate being "LOW FAT," "LOW CARBS," or "SUGAR FREE," thi...

Health  health calories weight carbs
Negative Calorie Foods FAQs

Copyright 2005, www.NegativeCalorieFoods.com[You have permission to publish this article in your web sites,ezines or electronic publication, as long as it is used in itsentirety including the resource box, all HTML hyperlinks, references(clickable) a...

Health  health negative calorie foods diet calories body
Diet and Exercise Evolution Adaptation part II Examples and Practical Advice

Understanding the theory of adaptation (see previous article, Adaptation I) will give you the tools to evaluate your diet and daily routine. If you have any question about whether something is good for you, always examine both the immediate effects ...

Health  health calories adaptation food
10 Things You Can Do To Lose Fat Without Even Trying

hings You Can Do To Lose Fat Without Even Trying by: Nick Nilsson 1. Eat smaller more frequent meals - not only is your metabolism boosted every time you eat something, your body can more efficiently process smaller meals. Instead of having 3 la...

Health  health calories meals
Lose Weight Super Fast: Is It Smart?

If you look around the Internet you find that millions of people are searching for ways to lose weight super fast. A lot of it has to do with the reality shows out there today (e.g. Biggest Loser). During these shows we see individuals lose tons of w...

Health  health weight lose super calories
Diets and Slimming

Diets and Slimming by: Ric Wiley Its time to talk about diets. This but in America today there are many people who are overweight and, many of us need to think very seriously about a diet. I don’t like diets and I bet most of you don’t like ...

Health  health diet calories many
Fattening Foods: Not So Fattening After All?

Fattening Foods: Not So Fattening After All? by: Nathan Latvaitis Have you seen those “fat free” foods in supermarkets? Have you possibly delighted in them guiltlessly thinking that they are healthy for you? There’s a good chance that you ...

Health  health fats healthy calories trans they