97 articles on "capital"

Prospects Of Internet And Website Design Work In London

You will require knowledge of the fine arts along with courses in computer science. Some self learner web designers teach themselves the basic necessary computer skills and HTML. You can learn it by yourself by going to the w3c website. For a new gen...

Web Development  development design london designer career capital
Capture Their Attention With Your Title!

There are millions of ads online. The Title ofyour ad will either make you or break you as it is the single most important element of your ad.More often than not, the Title of your ad willeither capture the attention of your potentialcustomer or get ...

Marketing  marketing title words capital attention action letters
Raising Money for Your Company

Raising Money for Your CompanyBy William CateSeptember 2004[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/][http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]It's never been easy to find risk capital for any busin...

Business And Finance  business finance public capital company investors risk venture shell
IKANO Communications Secures $16.5 Million in Funding

SALT LAKE CITY, UT – IKANO Communications, the nation’s largest provider of private-label Internet services, announced that it has secured a $16.5 million credit facility from Hercules Technology Growth Capital Inc. IKANO has entered into the agr...

Computers And Internet  computers internet ikano technology hercules service providers capital provider
Running a Business Economically

Running a Business Economically by: Mark Jacobs The business in the 21st century is far from what it was 200+ years ago. Centuries ago business was mainly traditional. With people or organizations trading goods with other parties for their goods...

Business And Finance  business finance resources labor important capital
Tax Reform, My Way

Tax Reform, My Way by: Terry Mitchell We need real tax reform and we need it now. Previous attempts have been made at tax reform, but they have only provided band-aid solutions that have still left us with too many quirks, complication, and read...

Business And Finance  business finance income capital taxes system
The Value of Stocks of a Company

Value of Stocks of a Company by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. The debate rages all over Eastern and Central Europe, in countries in transition as well as in Western Europe. It raged in Britain during the 80s: Is privatization really the robbery in disguise...

Business And Finance  business finance stock cash rate capital discount flow firm
The VCC Die-Off

The VCC Die-OffByWilliam CateIt's March, 2000. The DotCom Bubble has burst. Investors have lost billions of dollars. This isn't the first major investment mania to implode. There was the Market Crash of 1929 and the Silver Collapse of 1893....

Business And Finance  business finance venture capital investment risk investors
Affiliate Program Mastery Learning How To Build Internet Capital Goods for Free

You may use this article for reprint, as long as it remains unaltered and the resource box and author information are included. - Isaiah HullAffiliate Program Mastery: Learning How To Build Internet Capital Goods for FreeAs I mention in almost all of...

Online Business  online business capital internet goods build
How to Finance a Business

How to finance a business is one of the main concerns that every new business person has to resolve. There are two main ways of financing a business, equity financing and debt financing.The majority of start-up or small businesses use limited equity ...

Business And Finance  business finance financing equity debt capitalists venture loans