153 articles on "character"

The Character of a Nation

A nation is only as strong as the character of its people. In a speech just before his historic inauguration as the United State's 44th President, Barack Obama said, "never forget that the true character of our nation is revealed not during time...

Government  government nation character liberty truth people religious
Have You Tested Your Plot

Creative Writing Tips –Our plotting stage is our testing area. Everything in the plot should be tested for its effectiveness before we put in into our stories. If you believe something in your plot could be better, make it better. Figuring everythi...

Writing  writing plot character work save
Character Is It Necessary In Leadership Part One

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publis...

Business And Finance  business finance character leadership leaders values
How to “Really Get Your Customers”

What Really Makes Your Postcard Mailing Successful?The biggest single factor in the success of your postcard mailings is who you send your postcards to. You need a list of people or businesses to send your postcard offer to. This can be a list of ex...

Marketing  marketing list people characteristics response
Does Your Plot Suit Your Characters And Vice-Versa?

Does Your Plot Suit Your Characters And Vice-Versa? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – When an idea comes to us for a short story, we either think of a story line first or a character first. Whichever we think of first, and later on build...

Writing  writing character workers story area them
Have You Heard About...Cosplay?

Have You Heard About...Cosplay? by: Mallory YorkThe word ?cosplay? is actually a blending of the words ?costume? and ?play?. Cosplayers are called this because not only do they dress up like their favorite characters, but they also act out skits...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports cosplay character cosplayers costume dress
Does Your Theme Contain Character, Conflict, Resolution?

Does Your Theme Contain Character, Conflict, Resolution? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – For a theme to work and the story, which will revolve around the theme, it has to contain three things… Character Conflict Resolution What...

Writing  writing story conflict characters they
A Journey Into Toy Collecting

When I was a kid, before I started going to school, my mom used to buy me comic books to help teach me to read and keep me interested in reading once I learned. Most kids usually frown upon reading. Me on the other hand, I loved reading... as long as...

Hobbies  hobbies comic toys characters book started them
OCR Software Optical Character Recognition or Optical Crud Recognition?

OCR Software Optical Character Recognition or Optical Crud Recognition? by: James M. Eglin Optical Character Recognition (OCR) refers to a software technology and processes that involve the translation of printed text into computer searchable te...

Computers And Internet  computers internet image quality character document technologies
How to "Really Get Your Customers"

How to "Really Get Your Customers" by: Steve Conn What Really Makes Your Postcard Mailing Successful? The biggest single factor in the success of your postcard mailings is who you send your postcards to. You need a list of people or businesses t...

Marketing  marketing list people characteristics response which