26 articles on "circle"

Prepare For Exams With the Mind Map Technique For Making Notes

If you are a university or college student, you probably make a lot of notes when you are attending classes or reading your text books. Then later you review the notes you made when you are preparing for exams.You may have wondered if there a right w...

College Articles  college articles theme notes circle
Networking Your Home Business within Circles of Influence

Networking Your Home Business within Circles of Influence by: Stone Evans When you need an auto mechanic or an air conditioning repairman, where do you turn for help? Sure, some people turn to the yellow pages. But most will turn to friends and ...

Online Business  online business people circle influence referral make
Miniature Tropical Peacock Chair

Miniature Tropical Peacock ChairMaterials needed: 1. 18-count needlepoint canvas, 2-inches square. 2. small piece heavy cardboard 3. small piece seatcover fabric or paint to match. 4. bunka or thin ribbon for trim. Tools required: 1. Scissors 2. Tack...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports seat circle pattern glue piece chair from
What Balance Looks Like For You

What Balance Looks Like For You by: Angie Dixon Recently, in an online group, we talked about “balance” and an article one member had read decrying the demise of balance altogether. We all had different ideas about what balance is and how to...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation balance time circle
Networking Your Home Business within Circles of Influence

When you need an auto mechanic or an air conditioning repairman, where do you turn for help? Sure, some people turn to the yellow pages. But most will turn to friends and family and ask if they know of anyone who can do the work. The best place for y...

Business And Finance  business finance circle people influence referral make
Your Life - Your Choice

I've just recently returned from a week's holiday at Camp Eden, a holistic health retreat in Queensland.I'm sure many of you would have been there or know someone who has.It's a great place for a holiday …time out just for yours...

Business And Finance  business finance time life circle