548 articles on "color"

Blending Colors

Blending Colors by: Nash Ville When you are familiar with software applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Flash and other drawing programs, I know you are also very much familiar with the swatches. Swatches contain selection of different colors t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet color colors value values swatches input
Graphic Designers 101

Graphic Designers 101 by: Nash Ville Being a graphic designer entails hardwork, dedication and the passion for what you are doing. Some people might think that it’s just easy to do all those web and graphic designs. Well, it’s not! As a grap...

Computers And Internet  computers internet color printing cmyk colors printed format
Why Coloring Your Fonts is Not Always Recommended

There’s something wrong with a house dominated by weeds and vines. Those crawlers are an eyesore to the passersby. Not only that, they camouflage the beauty of the architecture and landscape and no one would dare explore it…This is also true when...

Computers And Internet  computers internet color fonts font colors background will
Man Made Diamonds – Save Big Money And Avoid Mined Diamond Scams

Man Made Diamonds – Save Big Money And Avoid Mined Diamond Scams by: Robert Joseph High quality man made diamonds are a bargain at about $80 per carat, and they do not increase in price exponentially as carat weight increases. For example, a o...

Women  women diamond diamonds carat color scam
A Look at Laser Toners

A new addition to laser print cartridge technology has been to use computer chips in the functioning of the laser print cartridge. Most new laser print cartridges contain these chips, the chips must be replaced in all new laser print cartridges for t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet laser toner toners colored cartridges print
Getting To Know Cmyk

Getting To Know Cmyk by: Blur Loterina You may wonder why colors are grouped into different modes. And no, there’s no racial discrimination involved. For the nature of design to flow in an organized manner, there are primary colors, secondary ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet colors color cmyk mode letter used
A Description Of The New And Exciting Types Of Peppercorns & Ways To Use Them

A Description Of The New And Exciting Types Of Peppercorns & Ways To Use Them by: Spice of Life Peppercorns New and exciting varieties of peppercorns are becoming available to chefs everywhere. Pre-ground pepper out of the tin no longer provides...

Food And Drink  food drink peppercorns flavor pepper flavors sauces colors white
Digital Printing Press: An Update

Digital Printing Press: An Update by: Marlon D. Ludovice Way back in 1998, the digital printing world refined its processes and made significant production operating cost reductions, as well as introduced various new equipment and technology in ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet digital printing variable color press imaging presses cost
How To Decide Which Cowboy Bedding You Need?

Cowboy bedding can come in different packages. There are beddings of cowboy themes that include the curtain sets, a blanket, pillow cases, bed sheets, and comforters. Western bedding is unique and dynamic to kill off boredom, and provide a bright aur...

Family  family cowboy bedding colors packed
Innovations in Los Angeles Poster Printing

Innovations in Los Angeles Poster Printing by: Lala C. Ballatan Do usually see large sheets of paper with different sorts of pictures and stylish texts in popular public places? You must admit, at one point in your life, you were driven with suc...

Marketing  marketing poster printing posters angeles large color