91 articles on "distance"

Are You A Good Candidate For Distance Learning?

Are You A Good Candidate For Distance Learning? by: Shaan Randow If you have the self-determination and drive to listen well and study harder then you can learn in a live university or an online school. But some people seem better suited than ot...

Education  education online learning distance
Future of Academics-Distance Learning

With the advent of distance learning, the education arena has undergone a huge transformation. The very thought of going to a foreign location to study would be cause enough for many families as well as career aspirants to drop their bright future pl...

Education  education career distance
Working With Your People By Long Distance

Working With Your People By Long Distance by: Ken Leonard Jr As you build a team for your network marketing opportunity, you will learn how big this world really is. Soon you will find out that working with people from far off lands can get expe...

Online Business  online business distance voip people
Simple Ways to Groove Your Stroke

Golf is a game filled with exasperating contradictions. All golfers understand that the game requires concentration, but not over-thinking, a strong focus, yet the ability to see the "big picture," and a rigid routine, but one which allows for creati...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation ball head distance hole from
Port Washington Homes Sale- Promising Affordable Living within Your Pocket!

Why everywhere you see ads for homes on sales. It is because of the increasing demand and supply in the realty market. There are more people and families in comparison to the availability of places to live in. due to high demand of residential comple...

Business And Finance  business finance homes sale people distance
Choosing a Long Distance Plan

Long Distance rates are on the rise! Have you ever said to yourself,"Some companies charge a monthly usage fee and I don't have to pay a monthly usage fee with my ten cents a minute plan. Why would I want to switch?" Let's break this down a...

Computers And Internet  computers internet distance calls monthly make
How to find the Best Long Distance Rates

How to find the Best Long Distance Rates by: Mike YeagerThese days the best long distance rates are not found with your home carrier. There's too much competition in the marketplace and many people are discovering that a prepaid card can ac...

Business And Finance  business finance distance rates companies many
Shrink Your Long Distance Bill, Part 1

As a long distance consultant, I've often wondered why people are hesitant to switch to new, lower priced, long distance plans.Then it hit me. It's the same reason I get stuck in the tooth paste aisle at the grocery store. There are so many...

Family  family distance plans service minute small
Use of GPS Running Watches for health improvement and physical training

By Rebecca Blain ofhttp://www.everything-gps.comA growing concern among many people in the world is the quality of health and physical training. As it gets easier to eat more and exercise less, it has become vital that individuals have access to a va...

Health  health distance watch running method will
Long Distance Service - Price per Minute

When are fundamental laws of mathematics no longer applicable? When is 4 greater than 5? When your talking about long distance service, that's when. Most long distance service providers tout their cost per minute. However, when comparing costs,...

Computers And Internet  computers internet minute total month cost distance minutes year