279 articles on "domain"

Domain Names An Unusual and Profitable Characteristic

Due to my other Internet activities I had relegated my hundreds of domain names to a low priority and seldom gave them much thought. The exception was for some minor research for topics to create websites for a small number of domains. Fortunately, a...

Web Development  development domain xboxstarscomname news some
How Cybersquatters Make Money from Your Children’s and Your Own Innocent Flubs

How Cybersquatters Make Money from Your Children’s and Your Own Innocent Flubs by: Anti Spam League Getting clicks and traffic by accident appears to be big business. And by ‘big’ I mean worth MILLIONS of dollars! While typosquatting is un...

Computers And Internet  computers internet domain name names sites traffic
Choosing Your Top Level Domain

Once you have figured out a name for your ‘domain’ it can be really confusing trying to decide on what should go after the “dot” (i.e. com, net, org, etc…) in your domain name. This part of the domain name is referred to as a top-level doma...

Web Development  development domain name organizations level mainly
How Can You Profit Using Public Domain Products?

It is important that you attempt to maximize the potential of each business you begin, but you should start by spreading your income base quickly by setting up four or five small online businesses and focus on expanding them later. Using public domai...

Online Business  online business public domain income important maximize
How to understand the Domain Name System

How to understand the Domain Name System by: Clare Lawrence Ever wonder why DNS systems came into existence? Efficiency. Every computer has a distinct IP address, and the Internet needed an elite method for obtaining these addresses and for mana...

Computers And Internet  computers internet server query servers authoritive domains queries client name
301 Redirects and Search Engine Optimization

301 Redirects and Search Engine Optimization by: Mario Sanchez There are multiple reasons to redirect URLs. For one, your web pages may have moved but their old URLs may still live in users' bookmarks or in search engine indexes. Without im...

Computers And Internet  computers internet domain redirect search engines additional
Domain name secrets revealed

Domain name secrets revealed by: Sourav CHOUDHURY If internet is about interactivity between websites, domain name is the door for that interactivity. It is your online identity, very much like the name of your best friend, what is his very own ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet domain name address transfer
How To Make Easy Money on the Internet But This Time It's Actually TRUE!

How To Make Easy Money on the Internet But This Time It's Actually TRUE! by: Jim Clark Introduction: On the World Wide Web, domain names are the equivalent of real estate. Owning a domain name lets you stake you claim to your piece of the ...

Business And Finance  business finance names domain name sale money through
Start process of .eu has started

Start process of.eu has started by: Hans Peter Oswald The Commission of the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY and EURID, the registry of eu-domains, have signed recently the contract about the eu-domains. EURID reports that, the Commission will formally notify...

Computers And Internet  computers internet domains sunrise period registration eurid first
Dictionary Domain Names Can you still find and register them

While doing research on the Internet for things that looked interesting and had some moneymaking potential I stumbled across a website dedicated to domain names. There are many, but that particular site had loads of articles and helpful hints. One o...

Web Development  development dictionary names words domain register were