98 articles on "effects"

5 Easy Effects For Custom Labels Improvement

Improving your custom labels through Adobe Photoshop means adding special effects unto your design. A simple background and a simple text area are of course really boring for a label, and it of course does not maximize your use of an application as p...

Marketing  marketing effects labels photoshop design list
Scrolling LED signs

Scrolling LED signs by: Paula Jones Programmable electronic sings are utilized at modern company, industries or organizations. More commonly outdoor outlets are application of the programmable electronic signs. Large organization, government, ba...

Online Business  online business signs light electronic technology effects programmable energy
Have salvia and meditation for nice body enlightment

Have salvia and meditation for nice body enlightment Salvia divinorum, the psychoactive plant that has been known to cause hallucinatory experiences akin to the well-known concept of schizophrenia has constantly been a honeycomb for medical experts ...

Health  health salvia dose effects experiences summarized
Designer Favorite List Of Photoshop Effects For Posters

If you are new to poster printing and would like to use Photoshop for your color posters, then here is the best list that you should know about. I have listed down here the most favorite Adobe Photoshop effects that poster designers like to use. Thes...

Marketing  marketing photoshop posters effects color poster effect
Muscle Bodybuilding Supplements - Dangers of Steroids

Steroids have long been a controversial issue since the pinnacle of Arnold Schwarzenegger's bodybuilding career. Although the harmful effects have already been exposed for decades, several young athletes and Mr. Olympia hopefuls are still taking...

Health  health steroids effects anabolic drugs
Ephedra - Is It Safe And Effective?

dra - Is It Safe And Effective? by: Nick Nilsson Burn fat while you sleep! Eat whatever you want and still lose weight! Don’t suffer through hours of grueling exercise to burn fat! You’ve probably heard all these phrases before but are the ...

Health  health ephedra effects burn weight
Do Natural Thyroid Boosters Work

How Well Does Thyrin-ATC and Other Natural Thyroid Products Work?Hypothyroidism occurs when there is an inadequate secretion of thyroid hormones resulting in a slowing down of the body's metabolism. So many people just don't know how far-r...

Women  women thyroid products prescription natural effects
The Golf Glasses Could Cause Victory or Defeat

It has been proven by the testimonies of many players that golf sunglasses can help in winning and can also lead to defeat. That is because people who are not wearing something to protect their eyes from the sun are likely to burn them. On the other ...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports sunglasses lenses game effects will
Understanding Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction was developed by dermatologic surgeons in the mid 1980's and has become the more popular method of liposuction. It is considered a major advancement that has completely changed surgical fat removal. It is regarded as the "...

Health  health liposuction surgery tumescent patients skin effects
For better immune function

Question : IS there any supplement available in the market to help improve immune function and at the same time fight the damaging effects of free radicals? Answer : YES, there is a supplement that can help you fight the damaging effects of free radi...

Health  health immune effects beta glucan function system damaging