92 articles on "fashion"

To Know About Fashion Necklaces

Jewelry gives a proper definition to attire along with a complete look. Among other jewelry options, necklaces always act as a focal point to an appearance. These can be used in a very versatile manner, are highly diversified and create remarkable ef...

Women  women necklaces fashion neck jewelry
Calvin Klein 2005 Spring Collection

February 22, 2005 Calvin Klein – a name we all recognize and a designer who is world renowned for his fabulous fashions. So how did Calvin Klein come to be.?As a young boy in the 1940s Calvin was already pre-occupied with designing and sketching fa...

Women  women calvin klein fashion line designer design
Keep Up To Date With All The Latest Fashions

Keep Up To Date With All The Latest Fashions by: Claire Peacock Fashion A Thing Of Beauty? Keeping your finger on the pulse of the latest fashion designers in all the main shows in the world is not an easy job. Each year there are names who wil...

Women  women fashion corsets spade designs names
Fashionable Club Wear Offers Stunning Look

If you desire to look beautiful and fashionable in the nightclubs and parties, always go for sexy club wear. It is very important to have proper dress code in every occasion. Your personality depends the way you dress. You can buy different clothes ...

Women  women wear club clothes fashionable sexy dresses make
How To Become A Fashion Designer When You Are A Kid

There are two schools of thought on the qualities needed to become a fashion designer. One school of thought believes that an eye for fashion is inborn and God gifted and cannot be acquired through practice and perseverance. The other school of thoug...

Kids And Teens  kids teens fashion designer successful design thought qualities
Hot or Not Prom Trends for 2004

Hot or Not Prom Trends for 2004 by: Blake Kritzberg Prom: it's loaded with expectations. For some, it's merely a dance. For others, it means that first great step into adulthood, while savoring one's position at the top of the gr...

Kids And Teens  kids teens prom fashion gowns
Top Jewelry Trends for 2010

Fashion trends tend to change with likes and dislikes of fashion setters and followers. Same tradition goes for the jewelry world. New jewelry styles and trends are frequently being introduced and it is quite an excitement to watch what is in and wha...

Women  women jewelry fashion gold pendants trends year
What To Look For In Dallas Design Schools?

Do you love fashion designing? Turn your passion into a business. Enroll at one of the best design schools in Dallas, Texas. Are you good at graphic designing? Technical courses can provide you with a great future. Discover the best Dallas design sch...

Education  education design dallas fashion college institute school students
Discover How To Buy Jewelry For Your Body Type

Designers jewelry is an accessory that provides the finishing touch to your overall appearance. It exemplifies your fashion statement. Some say that it is best to stick to your comfortable style in choosing the designer fashion jewelry. While that m...

Women  women jewelry fashion designers provides costume
Office Condo Space-A Popularly Growing Idea

Office condo space- a hit in real estate business The latest fashion in the real estate market is buying or renting an office condo. Condo office space is available in plenty, and the trend is becoming very popular, but not yet popular in the metrop...

Business And Finance  business finance condo office real estate space fashion advantages