98 articles on "fitness"

Avoid These Top 5 Workout Myths

Avoid These Top 5 Workout Myths by: Jim O'Connor Do you know the health and fitness industry is plagued by an over abundance of workout myths? A myth is a fiction or half truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology. Rob tells Jen a...

Health  health workout exercise fitness myth results
Children and Fitness

As the number of obese and overweight children in the United States continues to climb, fitness is a consideration that weighs heavily on the minds of parents, caretakers and teachers. The risk of health issues accompanying obesity among children pro...

Kids And Teens  kids teens children fitness activity physical activities parents

Fitness by: Ric Wiley Let’s admit it, we all want to be fit, or if not fully fit reach a higher level of fitness, I know I do so I guess you do as well. A higher level of fitness is something we should all try to aim for, as there are so many ...

Health  health fitness higher benefits level
Placing Effective Newspaper Advertisements

For small business professionals, placingadvertisements in newspapers and magazines requires a lot of forethoughtandplanning. There are many parts to placing an effective ad, the least ofwhich is designing the ad itself. Consideration must be made to...

Marketing  marketing advertisement fitness make
Personal Training 3 Powerful Ways to Position Yourself as an Expert

Regardless of what profession you are in, it is critical that people believe that you know what you are talking about! You won't find very many successful lawyers whose clients never win in court, or popular doctors whose patients are continuall...

Business And Finance  business finance fitness field expert trainer
Your Health is Important Get Fit For Life

Your Health is Important Get Fit For Life by: Martin Smith Choosing fitness equipment for your personal use can be a rather daunting task. You can’t turn on the TV without seeing ads that promise or imply that if you buy their exercise produc...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports equipment fitness sure exercise treadmill
Sign Up Your Kids For Martial Arts Training

Children and young people in America have reaped the benefits of martial arts training for more than a half century now, taking classes in a wide range of arts, including karate, tae kwon do, tai chi, ju jitsu, and other schools from several cultural...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports martial children arts fitness through
This Mother's Day Give The Gift Of Fitness

This Mother's Day Give The Gift Of Fitness by: Lynn Bode Do you know a Mom that deserves a special gift this year for Mother’s Day? I’m sure you know at least one, if not more. Sure, flowers can always brighten a Mom’s day and a dinn...

Women  women gift fitness give help
The History of Treadmills

The History of TreadmillsYou must be familiar with the treadmill exercise machine. The darling of home and public gyms alike, treadmills are a popular and ever-present part of the fitness landscape. But where did the treadmill originate? And how did ...

Health  health fitness treadmill treadmills machine models
Fitness: A State of Being

Fitness: A State of Being by: Frederic Madore Today's technological advancement often raises a lot of questions. While we find that we have a lot more convenience at our disposal, there are many issues surrounding our present fast life. Mos...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports fitness always