97 articles on "jesus"

Christmas Traditions

advent... angels... boxing day...  candy canes...  christmas cards... december 25 as christmas day...the christmas star... christmas trees...holly...  manger...  mistletoe... poinsettias... santa claus (st. nicholas)... twelve days of christmas.....

Religion  religion christmas jesus were
Can This Simple Question Asked By Jesus Help Me Understand The Will Of God?

Have you ever asked or said, Jesus help me? if so, what would you say if Jesus asked you in return have you ever read what I said in the Bible? If you ever read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John you may have come across the parts where Jes...

Religion  religion people jesus
How's Your Self Talk

You know, what are you saying to yourself? There's always something going on in there. Do you make positive statements about yourself to yourself or are you beating yourself up with your own words?"Know thyself" is a statement that comes to mind...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation theyself jesus
Thoughts on the Road to Emmaus

“... their eyes were opened, and they recognized him...” –Luke 24:31Two friends—people who had known Jesus, who had walked with Him, talked with Him, and eaten meals with Him every day for three years didn’t recognize Him even on a long wal...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation jesus about
Evangelicals Frustrated by Bush

Evangelicals Frustrated by Bush by: Bob KingFrom an article by Ralph Z. HallowTHE WASHINGTON TIMES"I'm not blaming the president, but religious conservatives have been doing politics for 25 years and, on every front, are worse off on things...

Marketing  marketing jesus they
The Resurrection: Old Testament Prophecies and their New Testament

IntroductionApproximately 2,500 prophecies appear in the Bible; 2,000 have been fulfilled. The remaining 500 speak to future events. The Bible contains almost 500 specific prophecies concerning the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ...

Religion  religion jesus when
Heavenly Son Light

It is a most Heavenly sight to behold someone flowing through a room, with grace likened unto an angel, spreading SON LIGHT on each heart they touch. Even more wonderful is when we realize the gift of encouragement is available to us!Paul says we ar...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation jesus most