723 articles on "love"

Ways to be Romantic

Rarely does Valentine's Day pass by without your notice. Even if you are single and think the day has no significance, the day will arrive and you will want a relationship more than usual. If you are in a relationship and Valentine's Day do...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love valentineapossself partner gift give
Conjuring Up Sid Ceasar

Conjuring Up Sid Ceasar by: Keith Varnum Love focuses attention. When you really love something, you are naturally pouring your interest and appreciation toward the object of your love. The driving core of this concern and care, on an electro-ma...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation caesar tobias love professor object
All My Love And Devotion A True Story

They met at a dance in 1931, and six months later, on January 30, 1932, were married. I am speaking of my Nana and Pop, (grandparents), who for sixty years were not just married, but were in love. Really IN LOVE.I have chronicled their love through s...

Family  family love wife christmas hubby devotion happy
In Sickness And In Health Until Death Do Us Part

A simple love storyHe was young and arrogant and intent on marrying an heiress. Long black hair flying behind her, she walked into his life. He thought he was superior to her. She didn’t notice, as she wasn’t the least bit interested in him. Two ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love loved fought returned
19 Essentials for Your Valentine's Day

1.The Top 10 Smoochy Love Songs: http://www.topten.org/public/BB/BB415.html2.List of lovey-dovey movies to rent … “Ghost,” “Princess Bride” … http://www.inspirationpoint.com/ipmovies.htm3.The heart-shaped griddle or frying pan for your Va...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation heart shaped love dinner other
I Can't Wait ! We Are Going to Cooperstown.

I Can't Wait ! We Are Going to Cooperstown.My heart soared. We were going to take another trip to The Baseball Hall of Fame. One of my favorite places on earth.Just like the first trip to Upstate New York. I wanted to see the likes of Babe Ruth,...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation glove piece very
Love Doesn't Babble

"Love never ends" (1 Corinthians 13:8), or as the King James Bible reads, "Charity never faileth." Fails is the better translation of the Greek. To say that love never ends makes it into a statement about time and duration, whereas to say that love n...

Religion  religion love christ tongues perfect eternity
Love is Not...

Love is not irritable or resentful. Love is not easily annoyed, nor is it bitter or indignant. We could add that love is not cynical either, in that cynicism is closely related to irritability and resentment. This means that these characteristics are...

Religion  religion love world christ cynicism things
How to Prevent Suicide

How to Prevent Suicide by: Michael G. Rayel, MD A British weapon’s inspector was found dead in the woods after he slashed his wrist. For the past few weeks, he was entangled with a controversy about the war in Iraq. On Monday, a Hyundai execu...

Health  health suicide loved behavior suicidal
Maybe I'm Amazed the you Love me all the Time

Maybe I'm Amazed the you Love me all the Time by: Tony Cuckson “Maybe I’m amazed that you love me all the time.” Paul McCartney In Corrogue I am amazed I rise by the light of heaven to continue this amazing journey into love. There ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love amazing time journey maybe