7,936 articles on "motivation"

How to Dull the Sting of Increasing Tuition Costs

As a student, the thought of increasing tuition costs may seem daunting, especially when combined with the rising costs of textbooks, university housing, and other expenses. However, there are several ways to minimize the financial burden and dull th...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation scholarships search students local education higher public awards
The End Of Marketing

The End Of Marketing by: Brent Filson Working with top companies worldwide in all major sectors for 20 years, I've discovered that few of them come even close to achieving their potential results. A key reason is that their leaders "don&a...

Marketing  marketing strategy growth strategies people motivational
Ten Ways to Evolve, Part 2

Over the past decade, I've worked with thousands of individuals seeking ways to improve their ability to attract their ideal mate. As a result, I've created a list of ten most commonly prescribed personal development steps I recommend for t...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation relationship attract partner steps
Translation teaching

After yrs of control of a prescriptive approaches over Translations education, possibly time has arrived for a severe alteration within Translations education methods. Translations education should no longer be visualized as a group of system & stat...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation translations education students teachers real
The Day after the Memorial Day

The day after Memorial Day is often a somber one. This is because it is a day in which many Americans remember those who have fallen while serving in the armed forces. It is also a reminder of the sacrifices that have been made by those who have serv...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation memorial world soldiers
Invent And Innovate Yourself

Invent and Innovate Yourself: The Power of Personal Growth In today's rapidly changing world, success lies not only in adapting to change but also in creating change. In order to do this, we must continually invent and innovate ourselves. Personal g...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation friend topics speaking really director spiritually emotionally
Building A Career Of Choice

Let's face it, most career choices are not choices at all, but people held hostage by paychecks. Most of us fall into a job; followed by a paycheck, and then become immobilized into taking any pro-active moves toward something we really love doi...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation career make
Creative Problem-Solving: Following Your Stream of Consciousness

Creative problem-solving is an art form that requires you to think outside the box. It involves looking at a problem from a different perspective and coming up with unique solutions. One way to do this is by following your stream of consciousness. Th...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation writing consciousness stream journaling about
Why We Choose The People We Love

“Those who do not remember the past are condemned torepeat it.” George Santayana“Why do I always wind up with the wrong person? I wantsomeone who is kind, loving, reliable and open. Yet myrelationships are always with men who are angry, hostile...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation relationship pattern relationships were
Take a Stand for Yourself

Taking a stand for yourself is an essential element of self-care and personal growth. It is an act of bravery that requires self-confidence, self-awareness, and the willingness to take risks. In every aspect of life, whether it is in relationships, a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation stand family balance sometimes