78 articles on "plane"

Finding Cheap Airfare Is Easy

Finding Cheap airfare is easyEvery wonder how the guy next to you on the plane found his cheap airfare? What you have never asked the guy what he paid for his seat! This is the best way to find cheap airfare when you travel let me explain:The last t...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure airfare plane cheap last
Vacation Every Weekend!

What else can you do with your airplane? The SERIOUS flyer has a plan that includes business AND pleasure! With proper planning, you'll purchase the airplane that will do both for you.So how do people use their airplanes?THEY FLY TO THEIR SUMMER...

Business And Finance  business finance airplane south week summer
A New Balance

A New Balance by: Debbie Friedman As the balance of power in our society, on our planet, and within ourselves shifts from the male energy domination to a balance with the feminine, there is also a fundamental shift taking place within our bodies...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation sense time balance planet
We'll Just Rule the World Now, OK

One has to wonder if the corporate directive at Microsoftis as blatant as it seems from the outside. What is it thatmakes them behave as if monopolistic bullying is an inherentright for the biggest, baddest damned behemoth ever to roamthe face of the...

Computers And Internet  computers internet software planet system monopolistic
Small Aircraft Control Surfaces

Small Aircraft Control Surfaces by: Yvonne Volante Anyone who has held their hand out of a car into the wind to play airplane already has a fundamental impression of control surfaces on the airplane. When the heel of the palm went down, the airp...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports wing hinged hand lift plane control
Help Build a Better Nation

Many people have been worried now of the health of our planet. Floods are only one of the disasters that threatened the life of many. Environmentalists for example generally concerned with the global warning we experience because of the unexpected ef...

Environment  environment planet
"Green" Your Next Marketing Campaign with Eco Friendly Magnets

If you are looking for a fun and affordable way to advertise or market your product or company without harming the environment, then you should definitely consider using eco friendly magnets in your new advertising venture. By nature, magnets are not...

Environment  environment magnets planet paper very
Your Golf Swing Plane And How It Impacts Your Game

Every golf player talks about the best golf swing plane. It is one of the most significant factors to ensure a good game. Defined, it refers to the path travelled by the club on its way towards the target. It consists of the backswing and the downswi...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports golf swing plane practice club
The Bitch: Under Pressure!

Well Darlings, As a youngster, and that was a very long time ago, I regularly saw people walking around with boards proclaiming the end of the world was nigh. Every town and city seemed to have its fair share of these nutcases, and mostly they were ...

Government  government methane planet life
Scientists Discover Earthlike Planet; Hope The Civilization Is More Advanced

European astronomers, upon discovering an Earthlike planet outside of our own solar system, winningly named Gliese 581c, were immediately fearful that the sort of behavior that goes on here might be more widespread than previously believed and could ...

Humor  humor planet about