72 articles on "publishing"

Why Self-publish Your Book

When I meet an author with a great book concept, one who’s definitely the right person to write that book, right away I’ll often encourage him or her to self-publish. This is because I know that, if an author is thoroughly invested in what they h...

Business And Finance  business finance book publishing self
Should You Write a Book?

Should You Write a Book? by: Steven Van Yoder One morning, you open your inbox and find several e-mails that will boost your business. There is an invitation to speak at a local group comprised of your best prospects. Several emails have arrived...

Marketing  marketing book business author publishing
Ezine Format and Distribution!

Ezine Format and Distribution! by: Jon Kogan The previous article "Understanding Ezine Publishing!" focused on ezine publishing basics. Determine your goals. Plan a publishing strategy. Decide on ezine topic. Establish the frequency. Develop the...

Online Business  online business ezine email line article publishing
7 Reasons Why You Should be Publishing an Ezine

Ezines: They're everywhere you look, and for verygood reasons. They are an excellent online marketingtool. If you have a website and aren't publishing yourown newsletter, I'm going to give you seven very good reasonswhy you should star...

Marketing  marketing publishing ezine newsletter

I became a self-publisher in 1974, when I started the WordDoctor Publications. In 2001, I turned to Print-on-Demand (POD)Publishing, better named POD Partnership Publishing.I have now published four books this way, throughiUniverse.com. I am glad I d...

Business And Finance  business finance publishing book books published self
Book Publishing From A Book Publisher's Point Of View

Many writers aspire to write books. Writing a book is a long, involved, difficult process. Book publishing is harder. A writer may submit his book repeatedly only to be turned down. The writer may eventually succeed. Wouldn't it have been easier...

Writing  writing book publishers publisher publishing
Self Published...is it better

When you're known as a writer only to family, friends and a handful of people around town is it wise to wait for traditional publishing companies to bite on your literary work? If so you will wait a very long time unless you are a celebrity or h...

Business And Finance  business finance publishing traditional people book
Should You Write a Book

Should You Write a Book?One morning, you open your inbox and find several e-mails that will boost your business. There is an invitation to speak at a local group comprised of your best prospects. Several emails have arrived from people who've "h...

Marketing  marketing book business publishing

No doubt about ithaving one's own ezine is an excellent promotional tool. Whether you sell goods or services, publishing an ezine is perhaps one of the very best online ways to develop and maintain a potential, targeted customer base.Should you ...

Marketing  marketing ezine publishing ezines would
How To Write, Promote And Publish A Childrens Book

Writing and Publishing a Children's Book is a dream for many people. Unfortunately, it is often a difficult dream to realize since most talented writers do not know or understand which steps to take first to begin the process of becoming known a...

Writing  writing childrenaposs book dream publishing which