66 articles on "response"

The Effect of Hysterectomy on Sexual Response and Sexual Identity

The Effect of Hysterectomy on Sexual Response and Sexual Identity by: James Brann, MD Women have mixed emotions regarding the effect of hysterectomy on sexual response and sexual identity. Most woman go on to have a normal sex life, some have a ...

Health  health hysterectomy sexual women response
There’s More to Marketing ROI return on investment Than Meets the Eye

All too often people look at marketing ROI in terms of response rate: in other words, “I sent out 10,000 pieces of direct mail and only got 39 responses which is terrible.” This is wrong think.When it comes to marketing ROI, you have to realize ...

Marketing  marketing mailing response postcards successful
There’s More To Marketing ROI (Return On Investment) Than Meets The Eye

There’s More To Marketing ROI (Return On Investment) Than Meets The Eye by: Joy Gendusa All too often people look at marketing ROI in terms of response rate: in other words, “I sent out 10,000 pieces of direct mail and only got 39 responses ...

Marketing  marketing postcards response mailing sales
Virtual IT Anyone?

Virtual IT Anyone? by: Rick Parrott Running a business requires top-flight skills in many areas. The problem for a small business is that there are less people to share knowledge. In fact, people may mean “you”! Not everyone can be an expert...

Computers And Internet  computers internet business time support response hour hours
10 Things Solopreneurs Need to Do With Their Email

Permission it granted to reprint provided bio line stays intact.1. Go through your emails and find names of prospective clients who slipped away. Follow up on these. Remember... it takes an average of 7 times for someone to 'bite'.2. Get yo...

Business And Finance  business finance year response check
Are Spam Filters Crippling Ezines

Awhole bunch of ezines you send to your subscribers are beingtrashed. Filtering software has been spreading like wildfirefrom ISP to ISP. The decisions these programs make are beyondyour control. The question is, "Are you out of business?"1049 words;...

Marketing  marketing response email
So, Why Don't You Tell Me About Yourself?

So, Why Don't You Tell Me About Yourself? by: Linda Matias "So, why don't you tell me about yourself?" is the most frequently asked interview question. It's a question that most interviewees expect and the one they have the most d...

Business And Finance  business finance question sales response will
What Happened Troubleshooting Poor Response from Ad Campaigns

Too many small business owners today run ad campaigns that get little to no results, and they have no idea why. When you have the knowledge to troubleshoot the poor responses, you also have the knowledge to make the needed changes so that - next time...

Marketing  marketing response rate sales action
Getting Response 2 YOU

The key to a building a great Marketing Strategy is knowing how to find and filter your prospects to a finely selected or targeted customer and client list. This is not to say you can't and won't accept "walk-in" customers that come by any ...

Marketing  marketing response prospect must
So, Why Don't You Tell Me About Yourself

"So, why don't you tell me about yourself?" is the mostfrequently asked interview question. It's a question thatmost interviewees expect and the one they have the mostdifficulty answering. Though one could answer this open-ended question in...

Business And Finance  business finance question sales response donapost