313 articles on "security"

New Trojan Horse Threatens Latest Windows XP

Computers running MicrosoftRelevant Products/Services from Microsoft Windows XP Latest News about Windows XP can be infected by a new Trojan horse program remotely controlled in a victim's system, even after it is patched with Microsoft's l...

Computers And Internet  computers internet security vulnerability latest news windows
Is Your Web Browser Putting You At Risk

It's free, it comes with Windows and it's used by approximately 94% of the Internet population. It also poses an unacceptable security risk. What am I talking about? If you guessed Internet Explorer, you're right on the money. So, is ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet security itaposs browser firefox many
Malware: Computing's Dirty Dozen

Malware: Computing's Dirty Dozen by: Joel Walsh It seems that no sooner do you feel safe turning on your computer than you hear on the news about a new kind of internet security threat. Usually, the security threat is some kind of malware (...

Computers And Internet  computers internet malware software viruses security
Please Protect Your Confidential Files

Please Protect Your Confidential Files by: Robert Kelly You’d be disgusted to know just how some doctors, businesses, lawyers and high profile companies treat your confidential records. Often they have extremely good email security, only to ha...

Computers And Internet  computers internet clevercrypt files drive security simply computer confidential
A New Perspective on Home Security

A New Perspective on Home Security by: Jill Ostrow It was a struggle in the early years of the security alarm industry for the public to recognize the need for protection & monitoring with police notification against criminal break in and home i...

Home Improvement  home improvement security industry system years alarm
The Procedures Involved In Requesting For A Social Security Statement

The Procedures Involved In Requesting For A Social Security Statement by: Jinky C. Mesias It is important that social security members should be knowledgeable on the procedures involved in the various filing and processing scheme of Social Secur...

Legal  legal security social members member statement which
Is Your Web Browser Putting You At Risk?

Is Your Web Browser Putting You At Risk? by: Doug Partridge It's free, it comes with Windows and it's used by approximately 94% of the Internet population. It also poses an unacceptable security risk. What am I talking about? If you gu...

Computers And Internet  computers internet security itaposs browser firefox people
Changes in the Social Security Laws

Changes in the Social Security Laws by: Lala Balattan It is time we educate and update ourselves regarding essential issues of the Social Security Administration. By having enough knowledge of SSA’s vital programs concerning Supplemental Secur...

Legal  legal security programs disability social which
The security risks and ways to decrease vulnerabilities in a 802.11b wireless environment

security risks and ways to decrease vulnerabilities in a 802.11b wireless environment by: Richard Johnson Introduction This document explains topics relating to wireless networks. The main topics discussed include, what type of vulnerabilities e...

Computers And Internet  computers internet wireless network access networks security
How Sarbanes-Oxley Affects Corporate Email Systems

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and associated rules adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) require certain businesses to report on the effectiveness of their internal controls over financial reporting. Effective internal controls en...

Computers And Internet  computers internet email sarbanes oxley security internal