97 articles on "sexual"

Sexual Attraction - Addiction or Intimacy

Megan asked the following questions in one of our phone sessions: “Over and over, when I’m really attracted to a man and I sleep with him fairly early in the relationship, I discover that he is not good husband material. What am I doing wrong? Am...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation relationship sexual attracted just
The Psychology of Impotence

The Psychology of Impotence by: Chris Morrow Looking at the psychology of impotence is a little like taking a trip down the Amazon during the wet season. It's a subject fraught with hidden currents, treacherous shallows and wide meanderings...

Health  health impotence sexual relationship when
How can genital warts (HPV infection) be prevented?

Abstinence is the most effective strategy to prevent genital warts or HPV infection.Two uninfected individuals who have no other sex partners besides each other cannot get genital HPV infection. The following practices for sexually active people will...

Health  health genital tinnitus people sexually active
Single Christian Girls and Pre-Marital Sex

In our each day lives, single Christian girls and men have discovered comfort and satisfaction with the corporation of their boyfriends and girlfriends, so considerably so that they have turn out to be emotionally dependent on just about every other....

Relationships  relationships sexual christian marriage single from
Employer’s Quick Guide to Avoiding Sexual Harassment Liability

Employers can be held liable for any sexual harassment that occurs in the workplace. However, if they take reasonable care to prevent and correct harassment, they will not be liable. The following article looks at the elements of reasonable care that...

Business And Finance  business finance harassment sexual policy employers behavior employees
Male Impotence Myths

Male Impotence Myths by: Chris Morrow Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said: "There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance". Those words still ring true today. Many of the myths and leg...

Health  health impotence lack sexual male
Is A Natural Female Sexual Enhancer The Answer?

Is A Natural Female Sexual Enhancer The Answer? by: Sherri Solomon Almost all women experience loss of sexual desire at some point in their lives. Some women believe that sexual desire is shameful or inappropriate to discuss openly. Women who&ap...

Women  women libido sexual female desire
Sexuality Still Intact

Sexuality Still Intact by: Lala C. Ballatan I do like the refreshing sense of humor wintermute20 has shown in the blog he posted at http://www.the19thfloor.net/archives/200501.html on January 19, 2005 with regards to Breaking Taboos. He seems to...

Health  health disabled people person sexuality
Teen Dating Violences

Teens are frequently verbally, physically, and sexually abused in their dating relationships in attempts by their partners to gain power and maintain control. The victims sometimes cannot recognize the abuse because the examples from their homes, pee...

Kids And Teens  kids teens abuse behavior sexual abuser dating
Alabama State Representative Revisits Nazi Tactics in Heartland America.

In an unbelievable move, Alabama Rep. Gerald Allen, a Republican, introduced a bill that would prohibit the use of public funds for "the purchase of textbooks or library materials that recognize or promote homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle." ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation allen bill state rights homosexuality