265 articles on "solar"

Solar Energy Future Lies With Polymer Solar Cells

If you are new to researching green energies you are going to be surprised at the variety of options available.While you will find a lot of information and products using traditional solar cells, polymer solar cells are the latest in solar energy tec...

Environment  environment solar cells energy polymer will
Solar Ovens - Which One?

Many people have discovered that solar cooking and baking is more than just a science project or cleaver novelty. Cooking with the sun can be fun, but it can also saves money while decreasing your carbon footprint. Sun ovens use the free unlimited en...

Environment  environment solar cooking oven energy ovens they
The Value of Solar Panels is Greater Than Money

Solar panels are a great way to harness an important alternative energy source, the sun. Instead of using electricity to power ones home which can be costly, a person who chooses to use the aforementioned will not only save money but decrease their n...

Environment  environment solar panels energy order sunlight effective
The Race to Increase Solar Panel Efficiency

There are many benefits to people using renewable solar energy resources however it is not as widespread as it might be. This is in part due to the original outlay of cost of the product and partly due to solar panel efficiency. In order for solar p...

Environment  environment solar cells efficiency panel energy products panels
General Motors Finds A Way To Use Solar Power Even When It Can"t Afford To Install It

General Motors, long inept at making cars with quality ratings that might persuade Americans to buy them, now finds itself too broke to install solar power. But it has made a clever and commendable accommodation to its impoverishment. It has agreed ...

Humor  humor power solar install company clever roof
Basic Principles of Solar Panels and Power

Solar power and solar panels are getting a lot of attention as part of the solution to our energy crisis. Solar energy, also called photovoltaic energy, is undergoing rapid changes thanks to massive investment in research and development. This articl...

Environment  environment solar cells energy power modules
Boosting Solar Panels on Cloudy Days

Can you boost solar panels on cloudy days? Yes, you can. Before we describe how to boost them, let's see how well the PV panels work when it's cloudy. Clouds lower solar energy production: a light overcast could halve it, while thick black...

Environment  environment solar panels cloudy mirrors electricity boost power
Solar Powered Attic Fans - A Whole New Breakthrough In Utilizing Solar Power

Adding Solar Powered Attic Fans are quick and easy and commonly take about half an hour to build by yourself. This is especially true for photovoltaic lights, solar powered garden lights and solar powered battery chargers. Putting in photo voltaic p...

Environment  environment powered solar attic fans cost vents
Portable Solar Panels - The Capacity To Generate Solar Power Anyplace Globally

It is extremely unlikely that it is possible to afford to buy solar cells each and every few months; therefore, you'd be greater off buying the best and most durable portable solar panels that are less susceptible to damage. Solar cells that sta...

Environment  environment solar panels portable power them
Solar Energy

Solar power is a natural source of power that comes straight from the sun. When solar energy hits the earth it spreads over the earth's surface and gives warmth evenly. If you could capture the sun's rays into a unique region for a extended...

Environment  environment solar heat power sunlight energy