342 articles on "students"

Federal Pell Grant Program for College Students

Many college students seek help when it comes to paying for college expenses. Grants are a type of college financial aid that does not have to be repaid. The federal Pell Grant program is largest government sponsored grant awarded to college students...

College Articles  college articles pell grant grants federal students student awarded
How to Dull the Sting of Increasing Tuition Costs

At a time when unemployment is high, personal income is flat, and college-level education is a requirement for most well-paying jobs, U.S. public colleges continue to become less affordable for students and families. According to a recent report on c...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation scholarships search students local education higher public awards
The Distance Learning Explosion!

A generation ago few would have given much thought to educating themselves apart from a 'brick and mortar' educational institution. Certainly, for several generations, correspondence courses allowed people to gain knowledge while studying i...

College Articles  college articles university students online programs degree
Software for Organizing and Automating Students

In today's digital age, there are numerous software tools that can help students organize their lives and be more productive. From managing deadlines and assignments to automating repetitive tasks, these tools can increase a student's efficiency and ...

Education  education writing student studyedge students notes professor assignments document
Study Abroad - Why Choose to Study at a UK University?

Can a quarter-million of the world’s brightest students be wrong? That’s one estimate of the number of foreign students who forsake the comforts of home and brave the UK’s food and, for many, forbidding weather to get the postgraduate education...

College Articles  college articles students british study universities time
The College Admissions Myth: The Keys to Gaining Admission

I’ve worked in college admissions for a number of years and understand the politics of admission to college.Each year thousands of eager and ambitious college students send out their applications to colleges and universities across America.Unfortun...

College Articles  college articles community admissions lack students universities
Online Degree Education - Advantages

Distance education has been getting a lot of attention lately, but it isn't new. Correspondence courses have been around for over a century, allowing students to complete assignments and mail them to an instructor for feedback. Advances in techn...

College Articles  college articles education programs students online instructor
The Distance Learning Explosion!

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we live and work, particularly how we learn. As school closures and social distancing measures were put into place around the world, online learning became the new norm. The distance learning expl...

College Articles  college articles university students online programs degree
Write Your Way Into University - The Personal Statement

The Get Into Uni personal statement writing guide contains systematic instructions on the techniques to help increase the odds of your application, however this article contains a short synopsis to writing your way into university. For most potential...

College Articles  college articles personal statement statements students
An Education in Saving on Textbooks

Every year students flock to the college bookstore to purchase the various textbooks that they require for their classes. Little do these students realize that, in doing so, they are throwing good money away. As unbelievable as it may seem textbooks...

College Articles  college articles students textbooks online books