378 articles on "take"

Want Healthy Glowing Skin?

Healthy, glowing skin can boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself. It’s not just about vanity, though. Your skin is an indicator of your overall health, and it’s important to take care of it. There are several habits and tips ...

Women  women skin vitamin intake toxins skins healthy
10 Questions: Do You Have What It Takes?

10 Questions: Do You Have What It Takes? by: John AssarafDo you have what it takes to be really successful?Have you ever thought about what you must be prepared to endure and do in order to be successful in business or your career?I think I hav...

Business And Finance  business finance takes successful things questions
Battles of the Mind

Some thoughts on high blood pressure: cause and cure.If God is truly God and in control of all things, thenthe battles we face, whatever they be, are really only in the mind.Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. The only power Sat...

Health  health words satan singing take
Apologizing - How To Make It Right Again

As human beings, we are all prone to mistakes, as a matter of fact; it is synonymous to making mistakes. But as human beings, we are also given a choice to redeem ourselves from the mistakes we did through apologizing. For some, it is an arduous task...

Relationships  relationships mistakes human beings apologizing things right
Bigger Power with Two Strokes!

What is a 2-stroke diesel engine?As the name suggests, these engines work on reciprocating actions of pistons. One stroke means one linear motion of the piston in one direction. When the piston moves in the opposite direction, that is counted as ano...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks piston cylinder exhaust moves intake dead
Young Drivers Need Winter Practice

Driving is an essential skill, and learning how to drive is an important step in becoming independent and responsible. However, winter driving can be a real challenge for even the most experienced driver. For this reason, young drivers need to get en...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks winter driving vehicle weather take
Who Is REALLY The Boss Here

A quote from Napoleon Hill states: "Your own mental attitude is your real boss". Is this true of your situation?In an employee to employer relationship your 'boss' is the real boss. You are required to meet the demands of that employer in o...

Marketing  marketing positive boss mind attitude success sustainable take
Ten Ways to Save Your Sanity During the Holidays

Ten Ways to Save Your Sanity During the Holidays by: Marie M. Roker 1. Set limits for yourself. If you feel overwhelmed with shopping, cooking and visiting relatives don't add more to your plate. Take 10-15 minute breaks to take e a walk, m...

Family  family donapostself take
Study Shows Low-Sodium Diet Can Decrease Blood Pressure as Effectively as Some Medications

y Shows Low-Sodium Diet Can Decrease Blood Pressure as Effectively as Some Medications by: ARA Content (ARA) - A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology says that women who limit their salt intake can substantial...

Health  health foods sodium salt pressure blood diet lower intake
Why Nurses Might Fail To Notify A Doctor That Baby Suffers From A Placental Abruption

There are several types of mistakes medical staff make when faced with an expectant mother experiencing a placental abruption. The reason that an abruption of the placental is so dangerous for the unborn child is that is can greatly lessen the amount...

Legal  legal abruption placental child mistakes nurses