828 articles on "write"

And Now for Something Completely Different

Summary: Force yourself to laugh and you will soon be laughing.Have you ever seen Monty Python’s “And Now for SomethingCompletely Different?”This collection of their most memorable skits includes one aboutthe world’s funniest joke.We are look...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation paper joke laughs writes laughter
3 Powerful Types of eBooks You Can Write and Sell Online

3 Powerful Types of eBooks You Can Write and Sell Online by: Jeff Smith A big part of knowing how to write and sell ebooks is understanding exactly what will turn a prospect into a hungry buyer. As you may have already discovered in my "Ultimat...

Online Business  online business write ebooks value market innovation will
3 Things You Must Learn From A Copywriter Training

Coming across a text written by an effective copywriter compels you to instant action, and feeling the effect, makes you think of copywriting and enrolling yourself in a copywriter training. Among the many types of writing, copywriting is the most fo...

Writing  writing copywriter copywriters training requirement copywriting written business
Waiting for Lightning to Strike

Author and management guru, Peter Drucker says, "People adjust to the levelof demands made on them." I would add, we also adjust to the level we demandof ourselves. At some point we grow up and pass for adults by how we look.To match that look with ...

Business And Finance  business finance writing career writer discipline
Evaluation Essay

Evaluation Essay by: Jessica Johnson, jr An evaluation essay estimates an object, prompting the reader to accept the writer's point of view. Features of the evaluative essays are very similar to those of cause and effect essays, but no caus...

Writing  writing evaluation writer essay object writeraposs essays opinion
How Powerful Is A Copywriter Course?

Do you see yourself often wanting to become a copywriter but find it hard to see one's self studying a copywriter course? Given the many copywriting opportunities offered to copywriters today, who wouldn't like to become one? Whether you a...

Parenting  parenting copywriter course skills copywriters copywriting
How To Use Brainstorming To Solve Your Money Problems

How To Use Brainstorming To Solve Your Money Problems by: Roy Primm Advertising executive Alex F. Osborne first coined the word brainstorming in the early 1940's. Since then literally millions of ideas, products and services have been cre...

Online Business  online business brainstorming ideas write session paper
Your Own eBook in 7 Days

Own eBook in 7 Days by: Michael Southon Review: How To Write and Publish Your Own eBook in as little as 7 Days Reviewed by Michael Southon How To Write and Publish Your Own eBook in as little as 7 Days by Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale exe format,...

Online Business  online business ebook book write authors edwards vitale
Increase Freelance Sales With an Online Resume!

Increase Freelance Sales With an Online Resume! by: Kelly Kyrik Freelancing is a competitive business, especially in today’s fast-paced, e-focused world. Often there are hundreds of writers competing for the same, limited number of assignments...

Writing  writing clips writers editor
Writing, Reading, Speaking, Talking

Finding the Sweet Spot in Dialogue WritingOver the years I have heard complaints from various quarters—friends, students, and family—that even if they could write the story they’ve always wanted to tell, they could never get the dialogue to “...

Writing  writing dialogue paper speaking writers