261 articles on "natural"

Head Sweating And Your Social Life

Three percent of people in the world suffer from head sweating. This is a staggering statistic. If one suffers from this medical condition one need not feel alone. The entire surface of the body is covered in millions of sweat glands that control the...

Health  health sweating head natural these
Genital Warts Natural and Alternative Treatment Remedies

Genital Warts Natural and Alternative Treatment Remedies by: S.A. Smith Have you been diagnosed with genital warts caused by the HPV virus? If so, your physician has probably advised you of the more conventional treatments available such as phar...

Health  health treatments warts natural genital will
Kangaroo Mother Care is Something Mothers do Prior to Birth in the Womb

When parents understand that KMC starts from conception it's much more probable that they will continue on after birth. The idea of KMC is about bonding, transitioning both mother and child to the life they have after pregnancy, and about keepin...

Parenting  parenting natural baby mother starts
Getting Pregnant Naturally - Discover The Secretes

The sad reality is that not everyone who wants a baby will be blessed with the ability to conceive easily and naturally. Many people experience difficulties in conceiving because of medical issues that either they or their partners have. Many people ...

Women  women pregnant naturally conceiving baby
To Salt or Not to Salt Your Pond...

To Salt or Not to Salt Your Pond... by: Brett Fogle The important question of whether or not to add salt to your pond is often confusing for beginners and forgotten by experienced pond-keepers. To newbies and pro's alike we have this to say...

Home Improvement  home improvement pond salt fish electrolytes water natural nitrite
What is Aromatherapy, and What Does it Mean to Me

Aromatherapy is one of the practices used in the science of herbology, and it consists of using natural essential oils to heal. We introduce the oils into our body through the process of inhalation. Through inhalation, the oils enter into our lungs (...

Health  health herbs oils aromatherapy natural
Alternative Healing Schools

Looking for Alternative Healing Schools? What are alternative healing schools? Alternative healing schools educate potential healers with alternative mind body and health care like aromatherapy, astrology, Feng Shui, hypnosis, meditation, natural and...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation alternative healing schools natural meditation today
Is It Really An Act Of God?

Most insurance forms have a clause for an "act of God." That is a legal term for events outside of human control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters, for which no human being can be held responsible. But why are those things attributed ...

Religion  religion people natural disasters
Zambia African Safari

You are on the highway traveling as usual and thinking you are enjoying yourself. But it occurs to you that in fact you are a tepid tired, actually really tired and that you have just realized that you have been tired for such a long time! Why? Beca...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure zambia nature natural game
Natural Alternatives To Plastic Surgery And Facelifts

Wrinkles, crow’s feet, fine lines. Ageing is an inevitable fact of life. The sun as well as our own natural ageing process causes damage to skin over time, which can lead to pigmented lesions, age spots, freckles, coarse skin textures and an uneven...

Health  health skin natural toner care damage ageing