57 articles on "babies"

How to Identify Baby Reflux Symptoms

If you are a new mother, you may need some held identifying and understanding common baby reflux symptoms. Acid reflux occurs in about 20% of all babies at some point during the first nine months of life. It affects those babies with an underdevelope...

Parenting  parenting baby reflux babies symptoms acid will
How to Identify Baby Reflux Symptoms

Reflux can be a common problem for infants, and it can cause discomfort for both the baby and the parents. It happens when the stomach contents flow back into the esophagus, causing irritation and discomfort. If you suspect that your baby has reflux,...

Parenting  parenting baby reflux babies symptoms acid will
See the Birthday of Britney Spears & Other 1980s Star Babies

See the Birthday of Britney Spears & Other 1980s Star Babies by: Michael S. Cree The 1980s was a glorious decade to say the least. This decade initiated great cultural and technological advances which still are shaping the world in which we live...

Kids And Teens  kids teens actor singer star tennis champion babies decade
See the Birthday of Britney Spears & Other 1980s Star Babies

The 2nd of December marked the birthday of one of the most iconic pop stars of the 21st century - Britney Spears. The singer, dancer, and actress has been entertaining fans for more than two decades, leaving an indelible impact on pop culture. Born ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens actor singer star tennis champion babies decade
See the Birthday of Britney Spears & Other 1980s Star Babies

The 1980s was a glorious decade to say the least. This decade initiated great cultural and technological advances which still are shaping the world in which we live today. Companies launched in this decade include CNN, MTV, USA Today, and technology ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens singer actor star champion tennis decade babies
14 Steps To Reducing Your Infant's Reflux

14 Steps To Reducing Your Infant's Reflux by: Roni MacLean It's important to realize that not all babies with reflux will require medication or have difficulties with their reflux. Many infants, usually called happy spitters, will bene...

Health  health reflux baby babies formula will
All Natural Infant Reflux Treatment

According to the National Institute of Health, more than half of babies under three months old are diagnosed with infant reflux. In the majority of cases, this condition is not be cause for serious alarm. Infant reflux treatment can often be accompli...

Parenting  parenting infant reflux feeding treatment babies
Basic Guide To Choosing Toys For Babies

Basic Guide To Choosing Toys For Babies by: Eugen Lisov Basic guide to choosing toys for babies A baby’s only activities until the age of two months are sleeping and eating. He is not interested in anything else. After two months, the baby sta...

Parenting  parenting toys baby months play babies
The 411 on Natural Colic Remedies

Any parent whose baby has suffered from colic can tell you that colic is one of the most excruciating experiences ever imaginable. Nothing is worse than seeing one’s baby in pain and not being able to help take it away. Finding relief for colic qui...

Family  family baby colic massage babies gripe find
The Truth About Baby Bedding

The Truth About Baby Bedding by: Janice Wee Imagine your little baby in her nursery. So happy in the colorful new home you have prepared for her. Watching the Mobile. Lying down comfortably in her crib. Comfortably in her crib. That depends on t...

Family  family baby bedding babies skin nappies cotton