84 articles on "cats"

Are We Causing Cancer In Cats? Vaccine Associated Sarcoma News

Back in the 90's veterinarians were disturbed by the increase in feline cancer found in cats. They suspected that the tumors were vaccine associated sarcoma - malignant tumors. This controversial topic is reviewed in this article and options giv...

Pets And Animals  pets animals vaccine sarcoma feline cats associated tumor
Are We Causing Cancer In Cats? Vaccine Associated Sarcoma News

As pet owners, it's our responsibility to keep our furry friends healthy and safe. We take them to the vet for regular checkups, feed them nutritious food, and make sure they get enough exercise. But there's one issue that many cat owners may not be ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals vaccine sarcoma feline cats associated tumor
Heartworm Treatment for Cats and Dogs

Heartworm Treatment for Cats and Dogs by: Niall Kennedy The treatment for heartworms is different for cats and dogs. Do not ever give medicine intended for a cat to your dog or vice versa. Once your pet has heartworms the treatment is not easy. ...

Family  family heartworms treatment cats veterinarian
Cat lovers and cat associations around the world

A cat association is an organization that registers cats and kittens, selects cat show judges and conducts many cat shows and cat competitions. A cat association also controls cat clubs. The winner of cat show is provided with trophies, awards or med...

Family  family association cats prophet fancieraposs king president mohammad show
Distinction Of Ringworm Disease Between Humans And Animals

Ringworm disease has the same effect on both human and animals. Its main characteristic is an intense itchiness coming from a patch or wound forming a circular shape associated with redness and scaling that sometimes accompanied with an excretion of ...

Family  family disease ringworm tinea cats humans
Can Cats And Dogs Live Together As Friends?

Can Cats And Dogs Live Together As Friends? by: Larry Chamberlain Can cats and dogs live together without constantly being at war? It seems that they very often can. We often hear people claim to be a "cat person" or a "dog person", but browsing...

Family  family cats dogs mollie kittens often
Heartworm Treatment for Cats and Dogs

Heartworm is a dangerous and potentially fatal disease that can affect both cats and dogs. It’s caused by a parasitic worm known as Dirofilaria immitis, which is transmitted to pets through mosquito bites. Once inside the animal's body, these worms...

Family  family heartworms treatment cats veterinarian
Cat lovers and cat associations around the world

Cats have long been associated with mystery, independence, and companionship. They are often considered the more aloof of the pets, but many people swear by the comfort of their feline companions. Cat lovers and associations can be found all over the...

Family  family association cats prophet fancieraposs king president mohammad show
Aghhh! My Cat Has Got Fleas...

Aghhh! My Cat Has Got Fleas... by: Larry Chamberlain So, how come my cat has got fleas? Cats that are allowed outside pick up fleas by socializing with other cats or just by walking through territory where other cats have been. Think that your ...

Family  family fleas cats cataposs
List of refrences and resources related to cats

List of important Refrences and Resources related to cats 1.Collier's Encyclopedia with year book (1992 Edition). 2.Aniwa Encyclopedia. 3.Encyclopedia Britannica (2003 Edition). 4.Encyclopedia Encarta (2003 Edition). 5.The Europress Millennium E...

Family  family encyclopedia cats guide complete care edition related millennium