123 articles on "mails"

Google Revolutionizes Desktop Searching

Google Revolutionizes Desktop Searching by: Dan Grossman We're all used to searching the web at blazing fast speeds: picking out the right webpages among the five billion choices takes only a few hundredths of a second. Yet when it comes to...

Computers And Internet  computers internet google mails search files documents computer desktop
Anti-Phishing Bill Introduced To Congress

Sen. Partick J. Leahy has introduced the Anti-Phishing Act of 2005 to Congress for consideration. The Act would allow federal prosecutors to seek fines of up to $250,000 and prison sentences of up to five years against individuals convicted for promo...

Legal  legal phishing scams consumers emails site
Google Revolutionizes Desktop Searching

Google has revolutionized the way we search for information on the internet. Now, the tech giant is targeting desktop searches to make our lives even easier. On July 15th, Google announced the launch of its new version of Google Desktop Search. This...

Computers And Internet  computers internet google mails search files documents computer desktop
Nigerian Scam

Nigerian Scam by: Nowshade Kabir Although this scam has its root from Nigeria dated a decade back, nowadays, you receive similar scam letters from many African countries, notably, Nigeria, Benin, Togo and even South Africa. The subject lines of ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet emails scam
Wipe Out the Harassing Emails of Cyber Stalkers using a Reverse Email Trace

There are very few families left that do not have at least one computer that is used for the family to surf the World Wide Web. It is a great place for kids and teens to study and research for homework, to play games and have fun, and to perform vari...

Computers And Internet  computers internet email reverse stalkers emails
The Importance Of Email Backup

The Importance Of Email Backup by: Alexandru MariasViruses, software failures, power failures, human errors, hard drive failures are only a few examples of what could destroy the data on a hard drive, including all documents, pictures, emails an...

Computers And Internet  computers internet backup emails email express outlook files address
Free Program Removes Spyware not Detected by Premium Security Scan

Free Program Removes Spyware not Detected by Premium Security Scan by: Ed Zivkovic What is Spyware? Spyware monitors your surfing habits and sends the data off to some remote server in cyberland. Your computer can get infected with spyware easil...

Online Business  online business virus program anti spyware norton emails
Anti-Phishing Bill Introduced To Congress

Anti-Phishing Bill Introduced To Congress by: Richard A. Chapo Sen. Partick J. Leahy has introduced the Anti-Phishing Act of 2005 to Congress for consideration. The Act would allow federal prosecutors to seek fines of up to $250,000 and prison s...

Legal  legal phishing scams consumers emails site
VoIP Technology For The Little Guy....With Worldwide Origination

Not everyone in the world has sufficient internet access capability to take advantage of the benefits from VoIP. Shoot....most folks are lucky to have 1 phone line for that matter. This dose of reality kinda puts the dampers on the "VoIP will take o...

Computers And Internet  computers internet minute calls mailspeak service

Article By: Joseph Robert Neil James.EMAIL LEADS.Many years ago, I lived with my wife and children in Australia, employed by a “Direct Mail Advertising “ company. Now we are in the computer age business people also collect email addresses, which ...

Business And Finance  business finance email emails prime list